Advantages of Hiring Remote Developers


3 min May 26, 2020 Varun Sharma GENERAL Views : 1642

Due to this coronavirus pandemic, most of the business are going online and employees are working from home. This is the new future where people will work from any place in the world. The organizations around the world need to adapt to this environment and adjust accordingly.  

IT industry is one of the few businesses around the world where all the employees are work from home all time. The developers, designers and testers need only a laptop/PC with an internet connection to complete their work. So, it is quite comfortable for digital agencies and IT companies to shift all the workforce online. 

The best way to efficiently complete a software development project is to hire remote developers or outsource your project. In this article, we will explain why you should outsource your project and what are the advantages of hiring remote developers. 

1. No Impact Of Pandemic Like Coronavirus

As already stated, that this pandemic is going to impact the business that hasn’t digitize their business. The future of work for IT industry is remote working, period. If your employees are working remotely then you don’t need to worry about any epidemic like this.  

If you hire remote developers and outsource your project then it will not be affected by epidemics, emergencies and lockdowns. The remote developers can easily adjust to work from home environment.  

2. Hire Best Talents From Across the World

The best thing about remote hiring is that you can choose talents from any port of the world. According to a recent report more than 60 % of companies in the USA and Europe are struggling with talent shortage. It’s very challenging for HR managers to hire highly skilled programmers and relocate them to their office.  

If you are looking for remote developers, then it will expand your options. So, choose the best developers from across the world according to your needs.  

3.Minimal infrastructure costs 

You don’t need to build extra office space for your remote employers, and this can save thousands of dollars. It costs millions of dollars to setup an office space for a large group of employees.  

In case you hire remote developers then you can save a lot of money because you don’t need to spend a dime for his/her desk, IT system, office supplies etc. So if you are looking to optimize your expenses go hire a remote developer. 

4. Higher Productivity 

While working remote developers are not restricted by the time limit and 9-5 job schedule. The developers can be more productive by working as per their schedule, it doesn’t matter if they do work at 3 AM or 7 PM, they just need to complete the task as per the timeline. 

So, the remote developers can be more productive than in house developers. The higher the flexibility, the higher the productivity. 

5. Round the Clock Availability 

Remote developers can be available all the time. For example, your business is located in the USA and at 1 AM in the night there is some problem with your business App or website then you don’t have a workforce to solve the problem. But if you hire remote developers, they can be available around the clock to solve any technical issues.  

6. No Need Of Sponsoring Visa 

In the USA most of the companies have to sponsor H1b visa if they want to hire workers from other countries. It is actually a very painful and tedious process to successfully get the developer in your country.  

Also Read: Top 10 Reasons to Choose Python Web Development for your Next Project

The Govts also keep changing visa policies and it can hugely impact your business. Other factors are applicant sponsoring costs are high, complex legal process and it may take a few weeks to months to get the visa.  

7. Massive reduction in Employment Cost.

The average rate of a developer in the USA is $ 100 per hr. while in India it is only $ 25-30 per hr. Suppose if developers work for 1000 hrs. then in the USA it will cost $100,000 and in India it will cost $ 25,000 –30,000. So, you can save $75,000 per developer. 

There are other costs like health insurance, special allowances, vouchers, holiday trips etc. This can cost a hell lot of money and you can save all that money if you hire remote developers. 

8. Flexibility for Everyone 

The employers are motivated if they are given freedom and flexibility. The developers can work as per their schedule and complete the work according to schedule. So, workers are more productive if they can control how they want to work. There are modern communication tools like Basecamp, JIRA to track the work and skype, zoom etc. to regularly communicate with the developers and motivate them. 

9. Overall Improvement In Efficiency 

Remote development has a minimal risk because you can always replace the vendors for project development. When you choose a partner the whole responsibility to deliver the project goes to the partner and make sure they match all the requirements. With the emergence of new technologies, the process to track the project has become quite easy.  

10. Remote Working Is the Future

Work from home is going to be the new normal, especially in the IT industry. After this epidemic more and more companies are encouraging their employees to work from home. So now your couch is your office desk. 

If you are looking for a developer for your project, then contact us today at