About Client

CKE is a renowned restaurant chain owners quenching taste craving of the foodies. They deliver delicious food, especially burgers. They wanted to have a website that is easy to use for their clients. A website that brings engagement and business.  

Project background

The client was into the food business and struggling to aid their customers with a user-friendly experience through its existing website. The user had licensed software that needs timely updating. Also, the website and maintenance weren’t cost-effective.

Business Problem

  • The website was complex and features like live tracking and location detection.
  • The website navigation was also arduous and license update at regular intervals was disturbing the budget.
  • Being a B2C business, customer satisfaction and retention was equally essential and due to the incompetent website, the main objective was at stake.

Business Objectives


To have a user-friendly cost-effective website


Get an integrated order menu scheduling system

Tracking and navigation of the location should be on-point

Terrific user-experience

Key Features


Key Challenges

As the current website had licensed software, the workflow disturbed with disturbed functionality of the software when missed timely update of license. This caused inconvenience in usage of the website. Also, the website was built on Sitecore, it gave the website a complex navigation while placing order or general checkout. The clients were uneasy about using the platform hence switched to the other options. The order menu schedule was also not integrated.

Zenesys Solution

Post rigorous investigation and pondering over the solutions, we landed at the most suitable one. We decided to go with migration. From Sitecore we migrated to Kentico. It permanently solved the license issue and made it cost effective. With Kentico the website performed excellently and made user navigation easy. With the help of OLOAPI and Snowflake we integrated the order menu. We also revamped the navigation GPS and location pointer on the website.

Now the website had the accurate location of the eatery, and it also helped them tracking of the delivery location became meticulous. Along with that we also developed an application designed to support SEO. It helped them to make their SEO game string.

Result/ Outcome

The website worked smoothly and diligently. Our approach made the website maintenance cost-effective and user-friendly. The business experienced 50-60% hike in terms of business growth and customer retention. The order menu scheduling worked systematically. The SEO of the business became strong, and it was easy to execute SEO strategies.


Zenesys helped us in migration to a better platform as it was cost-effective. With SEO web development, we were able to rank better in no time. Our customers were happy and so were we. We highly recommend Zenesys. One stop solution for all your IT issues.