Why to Use Angular in 2024: An Overview

Why to Use Angular in 2024: An Overview

0 Aug 21, 2024 Somendra Yadav Web Views : 3052
Angular development company in the USA
It might be surprising to know that Angular is the most-liked framework in many big giants lists, and even websites of top companies are built using it, such as Microsoft, Upwork, Samsung, Deutsche Bank, etc. 
Angular has become a popular choice due to its paramount benefits- from popular online platforms like Paypal using it to their checkout portal to Delta Airlines for displaying real-time airfare information and more.
If businesses use Angular, it can be a most lucrative advantage to them. If they want to maximize their potential, an Angular development company in the USA can help them reach their web development goals.
But before jumping to the benefits, let's know about the Angular framework:

Well, what is Angular framework?
It is a full-fledged component-based framework used to craft single-page client-based web applications by using programming languages like HTML and TypeScript. It is well-maintained by Google with rich library sources. The intuitive features offered by angular make it suitable for building complex web applications seamlessly. 
It’s time you take out your magnifying glasses and get to know the pivotal benefits of Angular for web development-
Top 11 Benefits of Angular Framework
Here are some of the profound benefits of Angular development that make your business successfully sustain the competitive space-

1. Code Reusability 
  • One of the reasons why the Angular framework has grabbed the eyeballs of developers and persuaded them to use this framework is due to its- Code reusability. Once they write the code, they can use that code again whenever they need it. In other words, they just need to pick the code for a specific functionality for which they have already written it. 
  • No one denies that custom applications can fetch most of the time as it requires to work on meeting the business requirements. But with code reusability, they don’t need to start everything from scratch. 
  • Angular development companies or developers use this code reusability feature to make their projects complete quickly and on time.
 2. Supports SPA (single progressive features) 
  • If your business requires to develop a single-page application, then hitting the string of Angular would be a good choice. Due to its extensive tools and support, an Angular development company in the USA can help you easily add attractive features to your SPAs and make your web development journey seamless.
  • SPAs are a great alternative to transitional websites because they consume less data and can be made on a single page. And thereby, it becomes really seamless for consumers to browse it as it loads quickly in almost no time. 
 3. Large Community support
  • As Google maintains this platform and has large community support, it gives an opportunity to developers to communicate with other developers quickly.
  • If novice developer faces any issues while coding using Angular development, they can ask their queries within the community, and they will get the answers in less time from the other experienced community members. 
4. A Declarative UI Interface 
  • Angular provides an intuitive advantage to developers by helping them to create different interactive templates such as elements, filters and attributes by using standup markup language HTML. 
  • Angular incredibly supports declarative language, which in turn can offer robust scalability to execute any project.
  • Software development company in the USA or developers can use declarative UI to curate unique UI designs by binding and connecting various components. 
5. Simple Architecture 
  • Developers immensely appreciate the Angular framework due to its simple architecture design, which helps them to meet their client’s expectations with the extended feature's capabilities.
  • With Angular, a business can effectively manage the complexities of heavy web apps with a list of several components.
6. Google Support
  • There is no denying Google’s popularity, and most people are making use of its tools and platform, as it has become an important part of the digital space. As backed by Google, many developers and Angular development companies have started using this framework.
  • Not only this, but Google has large community support, which signifies that developers can easily ask their questions and resolve them. 
  • One more reason that you need to know is that Google makes use of Angular to build many web applications, and Google’s experienced developers keep on making an effort to improve the platform.
7. Robust Flexibility
  • It gives a sigh of relief to developers to utilize Angular; they don’t need to make an extra effort to learn specific programming languages like C# or Java. With their knowledge of CSS and HTML, they are good to go to build any kind of application, even complex ones.
  • Even if they are new to the programming world, they can kickstart their career without any need to give their years of learning new programming languages.
8. Fast development Process
  • In comparison with Vue and React frameworks, creating an application using Angular development can be a more convenient one as it uses CSS and JavaScript rather than older Flash and other tools.
  • Due to its code reusability, the developer can create the app faster as they may use the existing code that can be added to the application- this helps them to save time as they don’t need to write the code from scratch. In this way, they can create a web application with complex features with ease and in a way less effort.
9. Cost Effective
  • Software Development Company may use the Angular framework due to its most attractive benefit- as it doesn’t stress their pocket. The simple reason? The developers can reuse the code, which helps them to write the code way faster than other frameworks and rescue a lot of time.
  • From easily adding the features and functionalities to the web application to the process of testing the code effectively, make sure that the website can run without errors.
10. Dependency Injection
  • Angular development presents a great advantage of dependency injection, which works extremely well for single-page application design and testing.
  • If a business wants to extend the application features, it becomes super-manageable for them to proceed ahead due to its dependency injection benefits.
  • Using dependency injection, a developer can reduce the Boilerplate code as the injector component handles the initialization of the application.
11. Real-time testing
  • An Angular development company can easily precede real-time testing or test it in the live environment with no hassle, as the pages don’t need to reload every time while testing it.
  • Due to the real-time testing feature, it is really convenient to test the app's performance, even if the app does not crash while handling multiple processes or large chunks of data.
  • Additionally, the time taken to test the application can be lessened as a developer can run the application test once rather than repeatedly test the application till it gets passed.
When to use Angular
Large-scale applications
Angular is a good choice for large-scale applications that require a robust and scalable architecture. It can handle complex applications with many features and users.

Enterprise applications
Angular is often used for enterprise applications that need to be integrated with other systems. It has a strong focus on enterprise features, such as security, accessibility, and internationalization.

Single-page applications (SPAs)
Angular is well-suited for SPAs, which load all of their content on a single page. This can improve performance and user experience.

Dynamic content
Angular is good for applications that need to display dynamic content. This can be anything from data visualizations to user-generated content.

When not to use Angular

Small-scale applications
Angular can be overkill for small-scale applications. If your application is simple and does not require a lot of features, a simpler framework or library might be a better choice.

Static websites
Angular is not the best choice for static websites. If your website does not have any dynamic content, a static site generator might be a better option.

Performance-critical applications
Angular can be slower than some other frameworks, especially for smaller applications. If performance is a critical concern, you may need to consider other options.

Learning curve
Angular has a steep learning curve. If you are new to web development or JavaScript, it may take some time to get up to speed with Angular.

Angular Development Tools

Code Editors and IDEs
  • Visual Studio Code: A lightweight and versatile code editor that provides excellent support for Angular development. It has built-in features like IntelliSense, debugging, and Git integration.
  • WebStorm: A powerful IDE specifically designed for web development, including Angular. It offers advanced features like code refactoring, unit testing, and version control.
  • Sublime Text: A highly customizable text editor with a large community of users. It can be extended with plugins to provide Angular-specific features.
  • Atom: Another customizable text editor with a focus on community and collaboration. It offers a wide range of plugins for Angular development.
Package Managers
  • npm: The default package manager for Node.js and JavaScript. It is used to install and manage dependencies for Angular projects.
  • yarn: A fast and reliable package manager that offers features like parallel installation and deterministic builds.
  • pnpm: A performance-oriented package manager that optimizes disk space usage and installation speed.
Testing Tools
  • Jasmine: A popular JavaScript testing framework that provides a clean syntax for writing unit tests.
  • Karma: A test runner that executes tests in a real browser environment.
  • Protractor: An end-to-end testing framework specifically designed for Angular applications.
  • Cypress: A modern testing framework that offers a more intuitive API and faster test execution.
State Management
  • Akita: A state management library that provides a simpler and more intuitive API.
  • RxJS: A library for reactive programming that can be used for state management in Angular applications.
  • NgRx: A reactive state management library inspired by Redux. It helps manage complex application state and side effects.
Linting Tools
  • TSLint: A static analysis tool that checks TypeScript code for errors and style violations.
  • ESLint: A linter for JavaScript that can also be used with TypeScript.
  • Codelyzer: A linter specifically designed for Angular applications.
  • Build Tools
  • Webpack: A module bundler that combines and optimizes JavaScript, CSS, and other assets for production.
  • Rollup: Another module bundler that is often used for building libraries.
  • Deployment Tools
  • Angular CLI: The Angular CLI can be used to deploy applications to various platforms, including static hosting providers and serverless environments.
  • Netlify: A popular platform for deploying and hosting static websites.
  • Heroku: A cloud platform that supports deploying and managing web applications.
Conclusion: Let’s wrap up
Angular provides multiple benefits and ensures that the application built using Angular can run smoothly and offer high-end performance. This framework is an ideal choice- Whether you are a start-up or a large enterprise, regardless of the industry. As you have seen, tech giants like PayPal, Samsung, etc., utilize Angular development to make their web apps. And backed by Google can be another reason to make your web app using Angular.

1. Which type of web application can be made using Angular development?
Angular is one of the most popular frameworks which can be used to build different web applications. Some of the prominent web application examples are-
  1. SPAs: These are the applications that are capable of offering amazing user experience due to their fast loading in comparison with traditional multi-page websites.
  2. Enterprise apps: Works impeccably for scalability, high-end security, unified architecture, etc. 
  3. PWA apps: Angular framework is a great option for building PWA apps as it gives fast loading and offline access.
2. What are the significant components of the Angular framework?

The angular framework consists of various significant components, such as
 Component: Basic building blocks that can efficiently control HTML views.
  1. Module: An application is bifurcated into logical pieces of code, and each piece is referred to as a Module.
  2. Template: It represents how an Angular application view
  3. Metadata: If a developer wants to add more data to an Angular class, Metadata is used.
  4. Services: It allows the creation of components, which are further distributed across the Angular application.
3. What are the typical reasons to use Angular framework in web development?

Many reasons that persuade a developer or software development company to use Angular framework for making their web apps, such as two-way data binding and MVC architecture, along with worthy benefits- Backed up by Google, which is a popular multinational company, a large community to help developers to get the answers of their problems, cost-effective due to its code reusability feature and so on.